Henderson-Vance County EDC Strategic Plan

The Henderson Vance County Economic Development Commission strategic plan supports Vance County’s vision to be vibrant, innovative, prosperous, and unified. The new plan highlights how Vance County can make strategic public investments to advance economic development goals such as increasing well-paying jobs, growing small businesses, and raising awareness of career pathways.

The strategic planning process included a SWOT analysis, economic and demographic research, business engagement, best practices, and leadership workshops. Some of the key goals of the plan are attracting and retaining businesses, developing a pipeline of talent, strengthening local and regional connections, and making Vance County a choice location for business and people. In addition to external facing goals, the EDC will invest internally in organizational development – building up a strong foundation to support implementation of long-range initiatives.   The EDC staff will focus on marketing a new spec building, expanding career awareness, and strengthening the organization in FY2024.

Creative Economic Development Consulting